Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Northern lights and partial eclipse of the sun

Driving home from Newcastle last Tuesday 17th March I was delighted to be able to see the Northern Lights glowing magenta on the northern horizon and green further up into the northern sky.  Of course I had no camera in the car!

On Friday 20th I was fully expecting the sky to be wall to wall cloud for the partial eclipse of the sun.  Imagine my delight when the morning turned out to be mostly blue sky with only some minor infrequent cloud drifting over.

I took images of the eclipse every 30 seconds using a solar filter on my 80mm telescope.  Unfortunately I didn't get the first few moments as the sun was below the roofline of the houses to the east but I managed to get the rest of the eclipse up to the point where the moon moved away from the sun.

The image below shows the solar disc at maximum coverage here at 54' N.  Below that is a link to a movie made of all the frames I managed to capture.