Friday, October 29, 2010

Sea trout at Low Barns

Two friends and I watched some sea trout migrating upstream at Low Barns on Thursday 28th. Some were quite big but I only managed video of a tiddler. Still it was a good jump for a small fish!

leaping fish from David Raymond on Vimeo.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Fungi on Hedleyhope Fell

I was with a party of schoolchildren on Hedleyhope Fell at Tow Law today. The weather was awful with a cold N wind and rain. However the fungi were magnificent including a lot of Fly Agaric in various stages of development.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Feathered fishing at low Barns

I went taking some video at Low Barns today and caught these three fishing without permit! Screen shots from video so not the sharpest shots but you get the idea.