Sunday, July 16, 2006

Comma and Red Admiral butterflies spotted this afternoon feeding on the Hebe which grows against our boundary fence.
This is the first time we have seen a Comma butterfly since moving here three and a half years ago.
This year has not been very good for butterflies so far in the garden with only the above, plus Large White and Small Tortoiseshell being spotted.

Wren singing very loudly in the Sycamore tree. Click here for an actual recording made this afternoon. There is also a Greenfinch wheezing about 3.5 seconds into the clip.


Blogger T said...

Hi David,

I'm letting a banana go over-ripe for the butterflies. When it's ready I'll put a few slits in it, pop it in the garden near the buddleia and see if we have any takers.

I'll enjoy following your diary!

Mon Jul 17, 12:19:00 pm BST  

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